Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

4 Steps for a Successful Spring Cleaning

With spring right around the corner, it’s time for a fresh start!

The best way to shake the dust and cobwebs off a home that’s been closed up all winter is with a thorough spring cleaning. Some find it invigorating, others cower in fear just thinking about it. But don’t worry! A little pre-planning ““ and these tips ““ will make this your most successful spring cleaning yet.

Check out these four easy steps for smarter spring cleaning:

Step 1: Choose Your ” Zones”

The first step is determining what kind of spring cleaning you want this to be. Are you going to deep clean everything and focus on the details? Or, do you only have time to tidy up the main problem areas? Making your game plan ahead of time will keep you from getting too overwhelmed!

If you want to be extra thorough, consider starting on one side of the house and working your way toward another. It’s always a good idea to end with the kitchen since you might be using the space as a staging area for some items that need cleaning.

If you choose a spot-clean approach, consider the overlooked areas of your house that need to be cleaned and organized the most. Closets, storage areas, and garages can always use a good purge, and they don’t usually get it very often. Now is the time!

Step 2: Get the Kids Involved

By no means should spring cleaning be a solo sport. Kids can “” and should “” be involved in the cleaning and decluttering effort! Not only will this teach your little ones about the importance of being tidy and organized, but it can also create buy-in when you let them make choices about their own belongings.

As you declutter, give your kids three boxes: One for items they want to keep, one for items they want to donate to Goodwill, and another for trash. Before they begin, have a talk about the questions that might go into their decision-making. Have they used the item recently? For clothing and shoes, does the item still fit? Would someone else put it to better use? Is it better to make way for something new or free up space? Be sure to explain how donating items to Goodwill helps other families in your community!

Step 3: Look for Places to Add Organizers

Sometimes spaces just don’t work as-is. We all have them! Whether it’s a messy junk drawer, a cabinet that always seems to dump its contents on your head when you open the doors, or shelves that have stacks of knick-knacks balanced just so “” look for areas around your home that need a revamp.

Clean and Organize Goodwill Graphic
Clean & Organize

For example, adding a basket to a shelf can keep stacks from toppling over and help you better organize smaller items. Closets can become more efficient with shoe organizers and hanging hooks. Keep a list of what you need to organize after you’re done purging!

Step 4: Make a Goodwill Run!

Finally, it’s time to take those gently-used items you no longer want or need to your nearest Goodwill Donation Center! Pack up your car with all the donations you cleaned out of the house. Don’t forget to grab that list of organizing supplies you need, because Goodwill is your one-stop-shop for all-things spring cleaning!

After taking your purge items to a Goodwill donation center, be sure to visit your closest Ohio Valley Goodwill retail store to shop for budget-friendly organizing supplies ranging from baskets to hooks to shelving and more.

Graphic: JOBS - This Spring, visit Goodwill to create opportunities in your community.

Spring Forward and Help Others!

Follow these tips, and you’ll create a fresh start for spring “” in more ways than one! That’s because every time you donate to Goodwill or shop in one of our retail stores, you’re helping local job seekers with disabilities get a fresh start and build a brighter future through job skills training and employment services!

Thanks to your support, Ohio Valley Goodwill is able to provide people with opportunities to empower themselves and achieve personal and vocational success. Now that’s a very good thing!