Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

Ohio Valley Goodwill’s CARE Team Shares Holiday Spirit!

As has become a holiday tradition, Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Center for Advocacy, Recreation and Education (CARE) program outdid themselves as they collected items for their annual donation to the Shared Harvest Food Bank. The Food Drive was held through the month of December and the program’s participants as well as staff team members gathered food to contribute to the Food Bank. More than 300 items were collected this year- breaking all previous records- and donated to the Shared Harvest organization on Wednesday, December 21st.  Shared Harvest was delighted to receive the generous donation and the CARE team took great pride in delivering the boxes of non-perishable items to share with those in need.

CARE team loading boxes
Daniel, Phil and Jon packing boxes

L to R: Daniel Silvers, Sonya Casey, Jon Hicks, Dan Holt,
Lois Kramer, Lonnie Coffey, Phil Hoover, (rear),
Thorne Eger, Kristine Agoston, Chris Angel and Nancy King, (front).

” I am very proud of all of the CARE team members for stepping up and working so hard to help others in our community,” said Lois Kramer, CARE Program Coordinator. In Ohio, more than two million citizens are currently struggling with food insecurity and the CARE team really wanted to do their part to help out. Goodwill’s Center for Advocacy, Recreation and Education (CARE) is designed to offer enrichment, personal development and community integration opportunities for individuals with Developmental Disabilities served by the organization. The award-winning program recently celebrated its 18th anniversary of service and has a long-standing reputation for promoting the idea of giving back to the community through a variety of volunteer opportunities.

When the CARE volunteers delivered the 2022 Food Drive Donation, Shared Harvest Executive Director, Terry Perdue, was there to thank them for their kind contribution.

” It takes all members of our community, working together to meet the needs of our neighbors who are living in poverty. We are humbled and honored to be the recipients of the generous donations of food collected by our friends at the Ohio Valley Goodwill CARE program. Your faithful support will help us supply more than 150 meals this holiday season.”

L to R: Zoltan, Sharon, Terry Perdue (Exec Director Shared Harvest), Jon, Eddie and Phil.
CARE Team: Doug Frank, Jon Hicks, Eddie Morgan and Philip Hoover

Ohio Valley Goodwill is very proud of the CARE program and its participants efforts to do their part to help the larger community during the holiday season for many of our local families. Congratulations on a record-setting donation year!

To find out more about the Center for Advocacy, Recreation and Education, visit www.cincinnatigoodwill.org/services.