Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

"Ohio Valley Goodwill Thanks Hamilton County Citizens for Their Support!"

” Ohio Valley Goodwill proudly displayed large ” Thank You” banners this morning across Levy campaign signs at its Hamilton County locations in recognition of the 68% approval of the HCMR/DD Levy. ” We could not be more delighted with the outcome of this year’s election,” said Joe Byrum, Goodwill President and CEO. ” We are very grateful to the voters of Hamilton County for their support of this critical levy that provides funding for the next five years for citizens with developmental disabilities,” added Byrum.

Ohio Valley Goodwill serves almost 500 individuals with developmental disabilities annually through its long-time partnership with Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services and was heavily involved in this year’s campaign effort.

Ohio Valley Goodwill thanks its supporters for their help in passing Issue 5, the MR/DD Levy.

The Hamilton County Board of MR/DD celebrated the successful passage of their 2009 Levy campaign in the best way possible. Superintendent Cheryl Phipps personally removed the “MR” from the organization’s name on the front of their headquarters this morning in front of hundreds of cheering supporters. The new name of the organization will now be Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services.

Ohio Valley Goodwill congratulates the newly re-named Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services organization and all citizens with developmental disabilities!