Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

Ohio Valley Goodwill Joins in 2014 CARA “Fabulous Faux Fur” Fun!

cropped-logo7138569_md1The evening of February 20th marked the celebration of the 2014 “CARA Fabulous Faux Fur” event hosted by Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs in Covington, Kentucky. Sponsored by the Community Ambassadors Resource Alliance (CARA), the annual fund-raiser helps to raise the monies needed to enrich the lives of people with developmental disabilities, which is the group’s mission. Ohio Valley Goodwill is a founding member of the CARA group and was delighted to share in the fun of this year’s celebration. The ever-popular evening reception welcomed more than 40 guests that enjoyed appetizers, wine, a fabulous warehouse sale as well as the entertaining sounds of featured musician, Mark Macomber; a long-time CARA volunteer.

The CARA Group was formed in 2004 and is composed of  ten member organizations that provide services to individuals with disabilities in Hamilton County. During levy campaign years, the group’s focus turns to supporting Hamilton County DD Services in their community outreach and education efforts. The group also sponsors PigAbilities Training which is an 8 week training program specifically designed to help athletes with disabilities to learn about good nutrition, fitness and establish individual goals in preparation for this year’s Flying Pig Marathon. Goodwill will be a proud member of the PigAbilities training program supporting athletes and through its volunteer Service Guild helping to sponsor the annual end-of-training picnic event in late-April.

“Ohio Valley Goodwill is so pleased to be an active partner in the CARA Group and celebrates their on-going success at achieving their mission of enriching the lives of people with developmental disabilities,” said Sharon Hannon, Marketing Specialist. The 2014 “CARA Fabulous Faux Fur” event raised almost $1,000 that will be used to fulfill the requests of individuals in Hamilton County. The CARA Group will now begin planning for its signature summer event, “Wheels for Wishes,” which is scheduled for June 7th at Friendship Park. Goodwill Marketing Specialist, Sharon Hannon, is the chairperson for this year’s event and looks forward to announcing event plans very soon. Stay tuned for more news about “Wheels for Wishes” and to learn more about CARA, visit www.caragroup.org. You can be part of the fun!

Fabulous Fax Fur event photos