Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

How Your Goodwill Donation Creates Community

The places we call home are built on a foundation of community: neighbors helping neighbors, people looking out for one another, and everyone contributing to a collective goal.

You might not realize it, but Goodwill is vital to this important infrastructure. Here’s how:

Building Self-Sufficiency

Having the means to stand on your own two feet is a powerful feeling. Self-sufficiency drives responsible decisions and a sense of pride. Ohio Valley Goodwill’s mission is to empower individuals right here in our community to reach self-sufficiency by gaining job skills that allow them to find steady employment and financial stability. The result is a snowball effect of increased self-esteem and empowerment. Overall, this makes for stronger individuals and stronger communities.

Creating Opportunity

When Goodwill provides job skills training to an individual with disabilities or someone facing other barriers to employment, it gives them a pathway to finding a job, stable housing, and independence. With each success story, Goodwill is increasing the number of productive members of our community. When we’re all contributing, our businesses and neighborhoods flourish.

Happier Neighbors

It’s no secret that having a job to do makes us happier. Studies have found time and time again that unemployment is detrimental to our well-being. Employment contributes to our quality of life, our sense of accomplishment, pride, and happiness. Having a steady job creates a daily routine, social interactions, and goals to accomplish. These are all pieces to the well-being puzzle, and it’s one of the reasons Goodwill’s work is so important. Individuals with a positive outlook on life are more likely to engage in community and contribute to the greater good. 

Graphic: Donate and Shop. Change a Life.
Graphic: Donate and Shop. Change a Life.

How You Can Help

Want to contribute to Goodwill’s mission to make our communities stronger? The next time you declutter a room in your home, box up the items you no longer want and bring them to your nearest Ohio Valley Goodwill Donation Center!

Similarly, instead of shopping online or spending at a big box store, consider thrifting what you need at a Goodwill thrift store. These small changes to your routine will make the Cincinnati region stronger. We appreciate your support!