Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

How Goodwill Celebrates Independence for All

Ohio Valley Goodwill believes everyone deserves to live a fulfilled life, one where individuals have the skills needed to live happily and independently.

This Independence Day, we want to share some of the ways Goodwill helps people with disabilities live more enriched lives and achieve a greater sense of independence:

Pre-Vocational Training: Ohio Valley Goodwill offers pre-vocational training designed to help equip individuals with the skills needed to secure employment in the larger community. These programs focus on teaching specific job skills such as problem-solving, task completion, interpersonal relations, safety, and other life skills. By acquiring these skills, individuals can increase their chances of finding employment.

Job Placement Assistance: Through our Job Development and Placement Services, Ohio Valley Goodwill helps to connect individuals with potential employers in our community. These services may include job search assistance, resume writing workshops, interview preparation, and job shadow opportunities. By connecting individuals to suitable job openings and helping them navigate the hiring process, Goodwill facilitates the transition to successful employment.

Work Site Supports: Ohio Valley Goodwill’s Work Site Support staff (or Job Coaches) assist individuals in successfully maintaining employment by offering supports either on the job or outside of the workplace. By providing assistance with job training, workplace expectations, and accommodations, this support enables individuals to perform their work confidently while contributing to the workforce.

Social Support: Ohio Valley Goodwill also provides recreational, social, and personal development opportunities for individuals with disabilities through a community-based, award-winning social integration program called CARE (Center for Advocacy, Recreation, and Education).

The CARE program offers a wide array of options for individuals to build relationships and connect with their community. CARE participants select the activities which are of the most interest to them, which often includes volunteering to help others.

Goodwill’s Mission in Action

By combining resources and support systems, Goodwill helps individuals gain the skills, confidence, and stability needed to achieve a greater sense of independence and thrive in their communities. Each year, we help hundreds of individuals empower themselves through employment and community inclusion “” and you can be a part of our mission! 

Learn more about the services we provide and how you can support our mission to transform lives here in the Cincinnati area.