Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

The Buzz is Getting Louder!

Queen Bee Half MarathonNow that the premier of the new Queen Bee Half Marathon is only a few short weeks away, the buzz is building about all of the exciting features of this year’s event. When the Queen Bee Expo kicks off on Friday, October 10th, you can expect to see Ohio Valley Goodwill positioned front and center.
The organization’s team of worker bees will be busy helping race participants accessorize at the Queen Bee photo booth located on the second floor of the Horseshoe Casino for their best ” selfies” ever. Racers can also stop by the Goodwill exhibit booth to find out how to get a chance to win a luxurious spa pampering basket truly fit for a Queen.
On the Plaza level, Goodwill team members will also be swarming around donation barrels where this year’s generous “˜good bees’ can easily de-clutter and recycle responsibly at the same time. Each wonderful donor will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win a bee-u-ti- ful spa basket. The lucky winner will be announced Saturday, October 11th at the post-race party.
As if there wasn’t enough excitement planned for the evening of Friday, October 10th, Goodwill is thrilled to announce that two of its favorite people are going to be featured as models in the Cincy Chic Fashion Show taking place on Fountain Square at 6:00 pm that evening. Ms. Stephanie Mitchell and Ms. Leslie McCurley will be wearing outfits provided by Goodwill’s Montgomery Boutique and sharing their story of success with interested audience members.

Steph 2009 Fashion Show

Ms. Stephanie Mitchell, Goodwill Fashion Show Model

As the racers line up for the big day at 8:00 am on October 11th for the start of the first-ever Queen Bee, Goodwill will be once again be front and center with donation barrels both at the Horseshoe Casino plaza and at the start line. As a royal sponsor for the Queen Bee race, Goodwill is delighted to share its message of re-use and responsible recycling with more than 3500 runners and walkers expected for the big event.
Finally, Ohio Valley Goodwill will be tweeting all of the exciting pre-event and race weekend highlights at #beelieveit. Don’t miss your chance to post your best Queen Bee ” selfie” with royal accessories provided by Goodwill! For more information about the 2014 Queen Bee Marathon brought to you by Cincinnati’s Flying Pig Marathon, visit www.queenbeehalf.com. Join Ohio Valley Goodwill for all the fun on October 10th and 11th…Please ‘Bee’ there!