Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Serving Greater Cincinnati

Goodwill Ranked #1 in 2017 Brand World Value Index Survey!

Goodwill was ranked #1 in a 2017 Brand World Value Index Survey, commissioned by Enso, a mission-driven marketing agency based out of California. The World Value Index was developed to measure how people rank companies and nonprofits on their perceived mission or purpose ““ namely the extent to which brands stand for something other than making money, whether they align with what people care about, and if these brands are worth publicly supporting. In the rankings, Goodwill is followed by Girl Scouts, Amazon, Save the Children, Google, World Wildlife Fund, YMCA, Microsoft, Dove and Subway.

Highlights from this year’s World Value Index indicate nearly 80% of people believe in business’ ability to make a positive impact. Of interest in particular, is the findings related to Millennials. An impressive 4 out of 10 have taken a concrete action and are embracing activism. The research was conducted using four measures: Awareness, Alignment, Support and Purchase. The results reflect a measure of how well a brand resonates with what people care about. The index summarizes that the brands at the top of the list ” have demonstrated their ability to create value and live up to their purpose, at least in the eyes of everyday Americans.” According to the Enso research, 79% of people believe that business can be a positive forum of political and social change.

Quadrant Strategies, a research-driven consultancy that works with Fortune 100 companies, political leaders around the world, and major nonprofits, fielded three surveys among 3,000 people, each demographically representative samples of U.S. general populations ages 18+, and tested a total of 150 brands, spanning a mix of industries and company sizes, ranging from start-ups to established companies. The index score for each brand was calculated from the following metrics: awareness of purpose + alignment with purpose + impact on purchase x active support.

“Today, at a time when people have more choices, and greater access to information, the strength of the brand’s purpose is more important than ever,” said Sebastian Buck, Enso’s co-founder and strategic lead. “With the World Value Index, our research centers around whether people can identify a brand’s purpose and mission, and the extent to which that purpose reflects society’s values. In other words, the ability of brands like Goodwill to create World Value is a testament to its relevance.

View the complete World Value Index report here https://www.cincinnatigoodwill.org/wp-content/uploads/WorldValueIndex_2017_Final.pdf